People describe the most humiliating things their parents caught them doing
Sometimes being a good parent is about shutting up and turning a blind eye when you witness your kid doing some truly mortifying things. Although it can also funny to bring up their embarrassing moments at family parties. I'm definitely more this type of parent.
These people open up about the most humiliating things their parents have caught them doing and honestly, I don't know how some of these people have ever lived it down.
My Dad walked in on me squatting over the business end of a hairdryer.
I'd not long got out the shower and wanted to blast my gooch with warms. So there I was, naked, with my back to my bedroom door, hovering over the hairdryer. I didn't hear Dad walk in due to the hairdryer. He just yelled "BUSTED!" and walked out.
When I was about 5 or 6 I was at a friends house for the weekend and for some reason I got naked and jumped up and down on his parents bed. My friend takes this camera which he says has no film in it and takes loads of pictures with the flash pretending it's some weird kind of photo shoot. Seriously OGODWHY. Anyway as it turns out the camera DID have film in it and they didn't realise until the dad took it to get developed and got asked some very serious questions by the cops. Yeah. Didn't go to that friends house any more after that.
I was watching police academy when I was about 8. there is a scene at a beach party where there are a few naked breasts on show. my mum walks in to catch me licking the tv screen where the bare breasts were.
One time i was furiously masturbating at around the age of 14. You know, the days where you'd rub it out for an hour, teetering on the edge. Anyway, I decided that this was the home run and i'd finally finish the session. Right as I get that blissful, warm clarity just before orgasm, in walks mum with the laundry, chatting away about some irrelevant fucking story. Pants are down, the speakers are quietly on, porn in full screen. Needless to say, that one second I had to react seemed to last forever: What do i do first? Speakers off? Screen off? Pants up? Tissues to catch the load? I scooted my chair under the table (solving the pants down issue for the moment) and I quickly tabbed out to a youtube video I had prepared for post-batt entertainment and hit play (effectively drowning out the porn).
Happy ending you say? No. For the next 15 seconds I had the most intense, throbbing orgasm, shooting load after load all over myself - all the while trying to hold a conversation and fake interest in another one of my mum's work stories. I'd love to say she buzzkilled my orgasm, but it was still awesome and that might be the most disturbing part. I had a deep, mind-blowing orgasm to my mum's voice.
Not me but 2 of my friends who were brothers were caught blowing air from a bicycle pump into their ass, then one of them farted for about 40 seconds straight then proceeded to shit all over the carpet. It was not one of his most dignified moments.
When I was about 12 my brothers and I used to borrow my parent's camcorder to make shitty home films.
One night, after using the camera for the day and dicking around with my siblings, for some reason I had an overwhelming urge to record myself fapping (or attempting to as the case may be...).
'Lo and behold, a couple of days later Mother decides to show a family friend some videos she took of her darlings playing in school concerts and the like. Plugging in the camcorder to the VHS, she fast forwards through our crap films and tries to get to the concert footage. After about a minute and a half of me standing up on stage, squeaking away on my violin the footage cut to black, only to be replaced with me violently whacking it, camera placed on the foot of my bed, making eye-contact with the camera the entire time.
No facial expressions whatsoever...
I never recieved a lecture about use of the camera, or replacing the tape inside it. My parents have never mentioned it to me or anyone else. All I knew then was that one day we were allowed to use the camera, and the next, we weren't.
Now when I look back at it, I shudder...
Back in 2004 having just returned from Iraq my wife and I celebrated by heading to Jamaica (Hedo 3). We had the atypical fun down there and head back to our hometown to spend a week with family before heading back to Alaska where we were stationed.
On my deployment to Iraq I had gotten a fat reenlistment bonus that I spent on an over the top VoodooPC laptop, I was very excited to show off my laptop when we got to my moms house and I hooked it up to her TV to show my pictures from Iraq and our vacation. Well my dumbass hadn't broken the pics into good vacation and bad vacation pics so here we are, my wife and her parents and my mom and I sitting around this 50+ inch big screen when all of a sudden a nice shot of my wifes vagina pops up in 50 inch technicolor. Oh god, I panicked...started trying to click through the pics, each got progressively worse. It was about the time when my junk was in her mouth and she was looking up at me that I yanked the cable from the tv. The only sound to be heard was my deep exhale and the sobbing of my wife next to me. Yeah, my mom, being full of class brings that up everytime we are in town
All I can say is thank fuck I was never caught doing anything this humiliating.
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