Model with 'world's fattest pussy' can no drink through a straw due to inflated lips
Remember the stripper who had plastic surgery to achieve the ‘world’s fattest pussy’? Well she’s had even more work done and can no longer drink through a straw due to the insane size of her lips. Jesus! How the fuck does she drink a McDonald’s milkshake?!!!
Over the past four years, Mary Magdalene has undergone three boob jobs, three Brazilian butt lifts, cheek fat removal, hip fillers and her famous pussy surgery, which was all funded by her sugar daddies btw. Her vagina surgery involved transferring fat from her ass to her pussy, which may have felt like a good idea at the time, but it’s left Mary in a bit of discomfort as she struggles to sit down. Mary opens up about the negatives of all the surgical procedures she’s had including not being able to drink through a straw:
Quote:The negatives are that I can no longer drink out of a straw and I can no longer whistle because my lips are too big. Another negative are the complications from my vagina surgery, but I am optimistic that will get repaired.
The biggest positive is my sex life; my over-sized body parts make everything way more fun and my surgeries in general have just became great for my business and brand.
Mary had to get her pussy fixed a few months back after the left side kept growing like an over inflated paddling pool. However she’s all healed now and is back to stripping online for all her fans. Despite Mary’s surgical disasters, she’s still keen on even more procedures, including another boob job: I plan to have my next boob surgery in a couple months. I’m on the fence with what route I’m going to take, but I plan to have the world’s biggest boobs. FFS woman, calm it down a bit. To have them world’s biggest’ anything isn’t really something to aspire to. Check out the moose knuckle she's got going on here: