Dude shoves 28 magnetic balls in his cock while sleepwalking
Some people will come up with the most wild excuses just to come off as innocent as possible, like this dude who claimed to be ‘sleepwalking’ whilst he shoved 28 magnetic up his cock. Hmm, likely story bruh.
Apparently the guy was having a strange dream which he’s refusing to divulge to anyone (funny, that) but it obviously involved sticking something in his dick. I can’t imagine it’s like one of those dreams where you think you’re on the loo and wake up to find you’ve pissed the bed. Maybe he thought he was shagging a sexy lady?!?? Yeah, it’s a bit of a lame excuse really isn’t it?!
Also, WTF is a 58-year-old man doing with a load of magnetic balls by his bed?! Bit weird innit. There are a lot of unanswered questions here. Clearly it didn’t end well for the poor dude because you can’t go sticking a load of metal in your cock and for it to be totally fine, so he was rushed to hospital where microsurgery was performed on his dick. Apparently to get the balls out doctors had to use a magnet to pass and drag them up through his urethra. OUCH! The man is said to be recovering well now and amazingly managed to avoid getting a bladder infection or perforation as a result of his ball stuffing actions. Just take care of your dick, guys, you’ve only got one!