Guys are now using banana peels to wank with
Guys are creative creatures, they’re always coming up with fresh new ideas to spice their wanks, and this time it involves using a banana peel like some kind of horny clown. One dude wrote about his experience on Reddit and since then the post has gone viral and a bunch of other guys have jumped on the bandwagon. Here’s what the original poster said:
Simply peel a banana (you can eat it later), slip the peel over your penis, and masturbate with it. The banana slime is a great lubricant. You can warm the peel in the microwave for added sensations. Also, you might have better results if you peel the banana by making just one cut in the peel and removing the fruit through the single cut. You can then cut off the end of the banana peel and insert your penis through that end
Erm, ok. That’s a very detailed description. I guess it’s not a bad thing to double up wanking with getting a dose of your 5-a-day. However, it’s ain’t all dandy, because apparently you could end up causing some damage to your dick, according to Dr Diana Gill, who had this to say about it:
A person with a banana allergy is more likely to be allergic to other substances such as latex or other fruits and vegetables. So if you’re allergic to latex condoms you may also be allergic to banana skins. Although rare, you could develop a rash and sores on the penis which can be painful and might lead to infection.
Oh shut up Diana. Are banana allergies even a thing?! I highly doubt it...
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