Woman sends Tinder match £3000 for kidney transplant but then he disappears!
With all the stories about online dating and deception, you’d think people would learn to stop handing money over to people they barely know, but alas, people are fucking morons, like this broad. The woman from Lincoln thought she had found the love of her life after meeting him on Tinder, but was left shocked after she loaned him £3000 for a new kidney, only for him to do a runner.
Rebecca Rouse had been dating Paul Gillett for a measly 2 months when he told her he needed an urgent kidney transplant costing £3000. Rebecca happily transferred the money but shock horror, she never heard from him again.
Here’s what Rebecca had to say:
When we first met, I really believed I’d found someone decent and that we had a lasting relationship.He seemed so nice and it felt like there was potential for it to blossom into something long-term.It’s really shaken my trust in men. I’m still in a bad way because of him.He wasn’t like all the other people on Tinder and he appeared genuinely interested in me. All his messages were so flattering. Whenever I got one, it would put a huge smile on my face.
Well yeah love, of course his messages were flattering, he wanted to con you out of money. Dozy cow. Paul managed to con Rebecca by calling her a few weeks after they’d met, explaining that he had gone into hospital with kidney pains. She said:
I tried to call him but he told me the signal was bad on the ward, so he couldn’t speak. He told me they were keeping him in on a drip and running tests. I was so worried. I wanted to go to hospital to be by his side but he insisted he was fine and couldn’t have a visitor. He was back after a few days and told me that he’d been put on dialysis. He even showed me the surgical dressing on his side after having treatment. He knew exactly what to say, so it was all very convincing.
He claimed he went for another hospital visit – where doctors told him he would need to go for an MRI and a kidney transplant, which is when he hit up Rebecca for £3,182 for his “private medical treatment” and travel. I’d like to say I feel sorry for her but this is pure stupidity. Whatever you do ladies, don’t swipe right on this bellend.