Ulrika Jonsson’s new advert banned for being too racy!
Apparently Ulrika Jonsson’s new advert has been banned due to it’s sexually suggestive content.
Ulrika was booked to appear in dating app Lumen’s new Christmas advert but after shooting, producers had to scrap the ad because it was deemed too racy to air by TFL. In the advert 52-year-old Ulrika appears in a red silk teddy with black stockings and says the tagline ‘Be my stocking filler’, which is apparently far too sexually suggestive. Here’s what TFL’s advertising agent had to say about banning the advert:
We think that the image and the tagline “Be my stocking filler” are likely to be considered problematic in out-of-home advertising as this could cause offence due to the sexual connotations, along with the potential of being seen to objectify women.
Oh fuck off! It’s an ad for a dating site FFS. Ulrika in lingerie talking about filling up her stocking is a great way to get sign ups. Bunch of prudes. Reinstate the ad, I say!
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