This woman made £8,000 in a year by charging men money to date her!
A single mum how she managed to make over £8,000 in year by charging men to date her, after struggling with debts and rising rent prices.
25-year-old Sabrina Perez, was on the verge of eviction when a mate recommended she try a controversial new dating site called WhatsYourPrice.com. It’s basically where rich dudes bid for the chance to go on a first date with hot women. So you could either end up wealthier than your wildest dreams, or starting in your own version of Taken.
Sabrina said she was nervous initially but after uploading her profile and getting a fair few bids, her confidence and her bank balance skyrocketed. She now says she has made over £8k in cash and a bunch of cool gifts including designer clobber, perfume and jewellery. However, she wants to state that this is NOT ESCORTING! Yeah ok, love, you keep telling yourself that when you’ve got some old rich dudes junk in your mouth. She goes on to say:
![[Image: 2mtpo]](https://lic.me/i/2mtpo)
It’s cool and all that she says she wants a meaningful connection, but she’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks she’s going to find it online with a dude who placed a bid on her. Jeez, what could possibly go wrong?!
25-year-old Sabrina Perez, was on the verge of eviction when a mate recommended she try a controversial new dating site called WhatsYourPrice.com. It’s basically where rich dudes bid for the chance to go on a first date with hot women. So you could either end up wealthier than your wildest dreams, or starting in your own version of Taken.
Sabrina said she was nervous initially but after uploading her profile and getting a fair few bids, her confidence and her bank balance skyrocketed. She now says she has made over £8k in cash and a bunch of cool gifts including designer clobber, perfume and jewellery. However, she wants to state that this is NOT ESCORTING! Yeah ok, love, you keep telling yourself that when you’ve got some old rich dudes junk in your mouth. She goes on to say:
Quote:People have a huge misconception about the sorts of girls who use WhatsYourPrice. But really it's no different to dating in the real world - if you don't want to go out with someone, you don't have to. You don't owe these men anything and most of them just want a companion. But, if you do get someone interested in one thing, you just move along.
I don't pick anybody I wouldn't date in the real world so the way I see it, if I'd go out with them for free anyway, I may as well get a little financial help out of it. I'm looking for someone mature, who knows their mind and their goals. "I want a proper connection and to find somebody I can one day introduce my daughter to as I am very protective about who she meets.
It’s cool and all that she says she wants a meaningful connection, but she’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks she’s going to find it online with a dude who placed a bid on her. Jeez, what could possibly go wrong?!
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