Dude arrested after dipping his bollocks in customers salsa
A dude over in Tennessee has been arrested after he was filmed dipping his bollocks in a customers salsa. But before you go off on him, let me just explain than this guy and his colleague drove for 30 minutes to deliver food, only to receive an 89 cents tip. That’s like 50p FFS! Totally uncool!
In the land of free, people in the service industry rely on tips to pay the bills because their base rate is so pathetically small so you’d obviously be pretty livid if someone gave you less than a quid for a half hour journey. But 31-year-old Howard Webb decided to take action after a low tipping customer completely ripped him off by getting his nads out and dunking them in the salsa before delivering it to the customers door. His female colleague filmed the entire thing and posted it to Facebook which appears to have landed Howard in hot water, or hot salsa!
He now faces being charged with adulteration of foods, liquids or pharmaecuticals, which could land him up to 15 years in jail. Damn! Seems a bit much really considering rapists and murders get less time. The delivery company he worked for aren’t really taking much responsibility and have said that Howard doesn’t even work for them and was just riding along with his friend. Here’s what ‘Dinner Delivered’ had to say:
These acts appear to be motivated by singular personal frustrations of this sole contractor, and are absolutely not reflective of the behaviour of the remainder of our capable and customer-oriented delivery force, or the principles and values of Dinner Delivered as an organisation.The woman will never drive for Dinner Delivered again…We take customer service seriously
I legit feel proper sad for the guy. I’ve spat on people’s tea before when I used to be a shampoo girl and people were rude to me. Thank fuck camera phones weren’t a thing back then. I would’ve gotten into some right shit!