Man stabs wife to death after she makes fun of his small dick
So we've had the dude who beat his girlfriend after she undercooked his chicken kiev, the guy who killed his mum for not cooking him a curry, and now this dude, who has stabbed his wife because she said he had a small cock.
Now it's never nice to be cruelly taunted about your micro-knob but you can't just go stabbing people just because they dented your pride. Estate agent David Clark stands accused of knifing his wife Melanie after they starting arguing over her alleged lesbian affair. David had accused his wife of sleeping with a woman behind his back and was getting more and more irate during the row but then Melanie brought up David's small penis and it just tipped him over the edge. In a fit of rage David grabbed his dagger from the bedroom and stabbed his wife in the chest. He then called the police and told the operator: "She fucking did my head in." David also said:
I'm sorry, I've killed my wife. My wife started being shit again, I'm totally in love with my wife, She's fucking killed me and I had to stop her. I can't believe I fucking did it. I'm going to do myself in. I love my wife so much.
Wow. dude is seriously unhinged. The first clue he was a psycho would be the fact that he keep a fucking dagger in his bedroom. Anyone with Samurai swords or weapons are proper weirdos. David is currently awaiting trial.