Guy stabs his mum after she fails to cook him a chicken curry
You might remember the story of the guy who battered his girlfriend after she undercooked his chicken kiev? Here's the link if you need a reminder: https://www.rampant.tv/feeds/12739/Dude-...icken-kiev
Well this latest story is even worse because a man in India actually murdered his own mother after she failed to prepare him the food he asked for. I know being hangry can do crazy things to a person but killing someone over it is a little extreme. Bejjam Kishore allegedly stabbed his mother to death after finding out she hadn't made him the curry he asked for.
Kishore had brought home some chicken and asked his 80-year-old mother Bejjam Mariammato to make him a curry. He then went out to the pub and got totally wasted. You know what it's like after a big bender - you get a proper hankering for a curry or a greasy kebab. When he came home and discovered his food wasn't ready, he went ballistic and stabbed his mum.
Neighbours rushed to the house when they heard the woman's screams but it was too late, she was already dead. Kishore had already run away by the time the neighbours arrived and police are currently on the hunt for him. Reports said Kishore moved in with his elderly mother after his wife left him for being an alcoholic and took their childern with her. That sent Kishore into a downward spiral and booze just took over his life. What a psycho!