Backpacker attacked by cow after she mocked it by singing Black Eyed Peas 'My Humps'
A British backpacker was smashed in the face by a pissed off cow while travelling through India after she mocked it by singing 'My Humps' at it by the Black Eyed Peas. HA!
Melissa Meville had been backpacking around India for the past three months and was just strolling back to her hotel in Rajasthan when she saw the cow. She noticed it had a huge hump so she started singing at it "my humps, my hump, my hump, my hump" but apparently the cow wasn't a fan of the Black Eyes Peas. Speaking to the Daily Mail, Melissa said:
I saw this huge cow with a big hump so I stupidly started singing this song. As I was walking past the cow it suddenly lunged at me and head butted me. The impact of the hit was so strong that I went flying in the air before landing on the ground and injuring my knees. My face and shoulder was badly cut.
Melissa's face was a bloody mess after her run in with the cow but she can see the funny side:
I never expected a cow could hurt me so badly. I guess she was in a really bad mood. There was so much blood on me. It was quite a funny experience. I'm in pain and it's quite annoying but still quite funny.
To be fair, she's lucky the cow didn't break her nose and knock her tetth out. Cows can be pretty cantankerous. I remember I was walking through a field once and just said hi to a cow and it stepped up to me like it was up for a fight. That shit was scary. If I'd have sang Black Eyed Peas at it, it might've killed me! Don't fuck with cows!