Dude gets savage revenge on cheating girlfriend
Sometimes the best way to get revenge on a cheater is to out them on social media in front of all their friends and family. That's exactly what this savage bastard did when he saw a photo of his girl being finger blasted on a night out. Instead of jumping in with the "cheating hoe" Facebook caption, he goes about it in a bit more of a sly way and acts like the girl is missing and tags her entire family in the photo. Here's what he wrote:
Serious situation. This girls been missing she’s not turned up home or been in touch with her family this is the only picture we have of her. If you see her can you please tell her to report to her family as they are worried sick. PLEASE SHARE AND LETS GET HER HOME. Thank you. Her name is ***. Last seen in parklife.
After her family saw the post they were worried sick so started sharing the photo thinking their beloved relative was missing. Then the girls aunt twigged what was really going on and wasn't too happy about it. She wrote:
How could you do something like this. I picked up the phone and called her mum right when I saw the text. I was worried sick. I made her get on her computer and check it out while I hung up and called Grandma. By the time her mum looked I realsied what you had done. You put our entire family through a roller coaster for what? I hope it was worth it. You really had done it. Delete this post.
The dude’s response was pure genius though. He simply wrote back:
Don’t blame me, blame the hoe, and the dudes fingers
What a legend!
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