Chesham Dogging Club cancels all X-Rated events over fears of Coronavirus
Bad news for you doggers out there - it looks like dogging clubs are shutting shop for a while amid fears over the spread of coronavirus. I guess if you’re going to catch it, a dogging club is definitely the place with those dirty genital flopping all over the place. One dogging club in particular who have just cancelled all upcoming events is 'Chesham Dogging', who tweeted that there will be no organised X-rated night time exploits for the foreseeable future after the number of coronavirus cases in the UK hits 39.
The clubs Twitter page also apologised for the inconvenience it caused to all the ‘secluded car park enthusiasts’. Hmm, that’s a nice way of saying ‘car wanker’. Here’s what the Tweet said: "Due to the coronavirus outbreak all of our parties have been cancelled until further notice.
A few people online were pretty happy with the club staying on top of things (no pun intended) and cancelling their events, with one member saying:
It’s good to see the dogging community in Chesham taking the coronavirus outbreak seriously.
Others however, weren't so pleased, but I think that’s more down to they fact that their leafy little suburb actually has a dogging club. Here’s what they wrote:
You're a disgrace to the county of Buckinghamshire.
Calm down Karen!