Couple caught shagging on gravestone in church cemetary
I've never understood this whole 'sex in public' thing. Like why the hell would you want to be leaning up against some sharp tree or spread-eagled on a car bonet when you could be lying on your bed or sofa getting a good seeing to from the comfort of your own home. I guess it's all about the thrill for these people, the risk of being caught, and for those who love a spot of public shagging on a sunny afternoon, a graveyard is probably about as risky as it gets.
It's pretty darn disrespectful to shag your Mrs on someones gravestone but this couple from Manchester didn't seem to give a toss. They were caught going at it by a man called Scott Elwood, who stumbled upon the couple while taking his dog out for a walk. Scott was just walking past Holy Trinity Parish Church in Shaw, Greater Manchester and clocked the two shaggers. He thought they might stop when they saw him but that only egged them on more so he decided to film them and then post it online. Check it out:
As if that wasn't grim enough, Scott then received a message from the public shagger via social media bragging about what he had been up to. Here’s what Scott had to say about it:
Quote:He told me to get a life and take a risk now and again, telling me I would have felt the buzz of being caught too. He bragged to me that he was doing it for 45 minutes. I just think he is an idiot to be honest.It’s very disrespectful to do it on someone’s grave. It's awful. If it had been someone’s grave that I knew, I would have reacted a lot differently.
I agree with Scott. I would have been livid if I saw a couple having a proper sesh on my nans gravestone. What a scummy pair!