The most revolting 'geek dens' you'll ever see...
If I asked you to imagine what you think a computer geeks bedroom might look like, you'd probably think of something resembling a dark squat surrounded by monitors and old pizza boxes. It turns out you wouldn't be far wrong.
These geeks, also known as ‘neckbeards’ due to their unkempt facial hair recently posted photos of their 'dens' to Reddit and it's pretty grim. I was curious about here the term 'neckbeard' came from so when I looked it up, this is what I found.
It's a pejorative term referring to unattractive, overweight and misogynistic Internet users who wear a style of facial hair in which a majority of the growth is present on the chin and neck. Neckbeards are commonly associated with hipster stereotypes and internet addicts who frequent websites like 4chan and Reddit.
So there you go, now you know what a neckbeard is. Now witness the utter squaller in which they live. Someone pass me the sick bucket!
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