These #AskTim tweets for Tim Sherwood's Football Manager Q&A are just perfect
Youth prospects not developing? Get your #FM17 questions answered live at 5pm with real insight from a former boss - https://t.co/YK69S3mla8 pic.twitter.com/CkoJD8ikmV
— Football Manager (@FootballManager) February 1, 2017
Lads, we've all been on Twitter long enough now to know how this is gonna go down.
Without further ado...
@FootballManager @Squawka Any tips on match preparation? This'll work, right? #AskTim pic.twitter.com/1ukbFvBu2k
— Bankrupt (@bankruptspurs) February 1, 2017
@bankruptspurs @FootballManager @Squawka Can Tim explain why they bother having options that aren't aggressive or passionate? #AskTim pic.twitter.com/mikQyoJOQu
— tehTrunk ❄ (@tehTrunk) February 1, 2017
@FootballManager @Squawka All my players' fitness ratings only go to 100%. Any idea how I can get them up to 110%? #AskTim
— Bankrupt (@bankruptspurs) February 1, 2017
@FootballManager @Squawka I'm setting up my manager profile, but under "First Language:" where is the "hackneyed clichés" option? #AskTim
— Bankrupt (@bankruptspurs) February 1, 2017
Ticking all the boxes really, isn't it? Well played internet, well played.