Beast of a woman attempts to rape skinny dude in the street...
It's not only women who get raped or letched over. Men can also be victims of rape but people don't seem to take it as seriously. Probably because they assume men can fight back or that they "secretly like it".
In this case this poor fucker didn't stand chance when this complete beast starts aggressively pulling his trousers down...in the middle of the street. She is naked from the waist down and it's just not what anyone want's to see coming at them. At one point she even tries to ride the guys face but he manages to wriggle out. Vom!
To be fair, he didn't put up much of a fight and even giggled a couple of times but the whole situation looked pretty brutal. I certainly wouldn't want that Goliath of a woman pulling my pants down.
Here's the video in question. It's pretty graphic! You'be been warned!