Dude arrested for breaking into mate's mum's house and biting her nipple
A dude from Adelaide has been arrested after he broke into his mate’s mum’s house and bit her on the nipple TWICE! Ummm, what?!
24-year-old Jonathan Priscan, handed himself in to police after biting his mate’s mum’s titty. Initially he had written a letter to the woman, asking if she’d like to meet up but was rejected. However, this didn’t deter Jonathon because he just showed up to her house anyway. Real smooth! The woman said she heard Priscan outside her houses calling our her name like he’s in some sort of teenage rom-com. She didn’t let him in but eventually he found his way in through the laundry room.
To try and calm the bizarre situation down the woman tried to talk to Priscan about his day but when that didn’t work he sat on the woman’s lap which is when the whole nipple biting event took place. The woman reacted my smacking Priscan in the chops which led to Priscan finally leaving the property, but only after the woman promised to unblock Priscan’s number from her phone. She didn’t unblock him, and called the police instead. Quite right! Priscan was later charged with indecent assault, basic assault and serious criminal trespass. I think it’s time the woman’s son made some new friends.