Bodybuilder marries his beloved sex doll in extravagant ceremony
2020 hasn’t exactly been the best year for weddings, what with COVID pretty much putting a stop to large wedding ceremonies. Many people decided to either cancel or delay their big day, but some people decided to press on but with reduced numbers.
Yurii proposed to his doll Margo after eight months of dating which is a pretty reasonable length of time. They had originally set their wedding for March this year but then the whole world went in lockdown so it was delayed. If that wasn’t enough of a bummer, Yurii was then attacked during a transgender rally which delayed their nuptials even further. Thankfully it was third times a charm and Yurii finally managed to tie the knot with his love last weekend.
I mean if he’s happy, cool - but it’s a bit weird innit. What do Margo and Yurii talk about? Do they argue about what TV shows to watch? It’s all kinda baffling. Congratulations though, I guess.
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