Pitbull drops Covid-19 ‘world anthem’ to give us strength during pandemic
If you’re wondering how we’re all going to get through this pandemic, look no further than Pitbull. He’s got all the answers apparently. He dropped a teaser to his new song ‘I Believe We Win’ on Saturday and it’s all about giving people the strength to fight Coronavirus. I dunno about you but I feel confident in Pitbull’s ability to lead an uprising against Covid-19. Who better to go to at a time like this than Mr Worldwide?! Check out the teaser:
Let’s show the world, how powerful it is when we come together to fight for one cause - that’s called life (I Believe We Will Win). pic.twitter.com/tyDTYDrYSr
— Pitbull (@pitbull) March 28, 2020
Wow, I feel stronger already. Silly me thought that it’d be the people in the medical profession bearing the brunt of getting us through this but it was Pitbull all along. He’s not the only celeb to offer strength at a time like this - Gal Gadot teamed up with a bunch of A-listers to song ‘Imagine’ and the whole thing is cringe as fuck. Here’s the clip of you’ve not seen it:
Urgh that smug smirk! Joe Rogan later mentioned the whole cringe video on his podcast where he ripped into Gal mercilessly. Take a look:
It seems as if more and more celebs are posting their inspirational videos just to get us normals though this tough time, because nothing screams solidarity more than filming a clip from your multi-million pound homes telling the little people that it’s all going to be ok. I really hope people stop idolising these fucktards when this is all over. Ryan Reynolds says it best. The rest need to fuck off. I’ll leave this here:
Another important message from an important celebrity. Let’s spread the word not the virus. I happily nominate, @stevenpage @Sethrogen and @TerryR49776917 #PlankTheCurve #StayAtHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/IRJNI9Y6G9
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) March 23, 2020