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Yep, her off Babestation.

Man pulls 32ft LIVE tapeworm from his ass!

There seems to be a running theme to today’s posts - gross things stuck in people’s bodies! This next story hails from Thailand where a dude went to wipe his ass & instead of seeing a load of skids on a tissue he’s faced with a giant tapeworm literally hanging out of his ass.

[Image: 2swai] 

Freelance photographer Kritsada Ratprachoom came home to take a peaceful dump after dropping his kids at school, but after her finished he could still feel something dangling from his bum. No, it wasn’t a small piece of turf clinging to his anus - it was a giant LIVE tapeworm!!! Recalling his  nightmarish plop, Ratprachoom said: 

I had just finished dropping my child off at school and ran some errands when I had to go for a number two. Afterwards, I felt like I wasn’t finished defecating, like something was left. So I got up to see what it was. Turns out there was something sticking out of my bottom.

[Image: 2swak]
Ratprachoom had undergone appendix surgery a week earlier so he just assumed it was stitches or surgical string left behind from the op. However, when he started pulling he realised it was sticky and stretchy.

[Image: 2swaj] 

It was then he realised it was a huge tapeworm. After pulling it out, Ratprachoom reckoned the worm was around 32 feet in length. After studying it for a bit (as you would), he threw it in the loo where it was still wriggling around. Grim!

Ratprachoom still has no clue how it got there but we all know those countries are riddled with that sort of shit. I actually had a worm fall out my ass once, and that was after a trip to Thailand. True story! I was having a wee and I heard something drop into the toilet. I looked down and saw a fucking slug-looking mofo. I screamed the house down and wouldn’t go to the loo for the rest of the day.

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