Mistress chops off lover's penis in act of revenge!
If there’s anything that will make you keep your dick in your pants and not stray, it’s this story! Plus films like Fatal Attraction are a pretty good deterrent. However, there’s always a few folks who simply can’t say no to a bit of hot fanny and dive straight in without sparring any thought for the consequences, like this dude who had his dick hacked off by his jealous mistress. Ouch.
The mistress, named Brenda Barattini, apparently told her lover, Sergio Fernandez ‘I’ve got a surprise for you’, before blindfolding him, and straddling him. Poor fucker probably thought he was in for a good old time until batshit Brenda whips out a pair of garden shears and cuts his knob off.
When questioned by police, Brenda said she lopped his member off in retaliation for him showing his friends a sex tape of the two of them. I mean yeah it ain’t cool to pass around a sex tape tape when the other person hasn’t okayed it but perhaps slicing his dick was a little overkill. Here’s what poor old Sergio told the court:
We started to have sex and she told me she was going to give me a little surprise. She put a mask on me, a velvet one. After that, she told me to guess what she was touching me with. She also wanted to tie me up, but I didn’t want her to.She started to perform oral sex on me. Suddenly I felt something. She wanted to kill me in that second.
It was then Brenda cut off 90 percent of Sergio’s knob. He added:
I felt like I was going to die, I didn’t know she had cut me. I couldn’t see anything. I tried to get up, I pulled up my trousers and instinctively grabbed by mobile phone to call an ambulance. I wanted to leave and she started to insult me. She grabbed my t-shirt, my hair, she wouldn’t let me leave.
Jesus, what a psycho. According to reports, prosecutors say the attack was pre-meditated, and therefore claim the charges of ‘causing severe injury’ should be changed to ‘attempted homicide’. Damn right! Prosecutors also say Brenda had searched the internet for methods of cutting off genitals, and even wrote a diary entry detailing her plan. Who the hell keeps a diary anymore?! Lock that bitch up and throw away the key!