A 16-year-old virgin just won a ticket to Sex Island!
A while back I posted an article about Sex Island - the £5,000 holiday offering unlimited drugs, booze and hookers. The event promises two Latina women for every man, live sex shows, luxury yacht parties and "surprises" which can be interpreted however you want. Here's the original article if you need to refresh your memory: https://forum.rampant.tv/showthread.php?t...sex+island
Pretty wild right? Certainly not the place for a teenager - so when a 16-year-old boy won a ticket to sex island, the organisers didn't quite know how to handle it. However, they aren't the most moral bunch so they thought "fuck it, let him come". Brian from New York entered the competition after he borrowed his dad’s credit card without telling him to try and win the ticket where amazingly, his name was picked out.
Brian is now set to fly to Trinidad and Tobago, where he’ll have access to unlimited food and drink during his stay as well as two prostitutes whenever he wants and a direct hotline to any drugs he requires during his trip. Here’s what Brian had to say about it all:
I bought a phone case and a bag for $60. After seeing the videos from Sex Island I just wanted to be there, but never imagined I would actually win. I used my dad’s credit card without telling him. I received an email last week telling me I’d won the golden ticket. I couldn’t believe what I was reading, I thought I was dreaming.
When told my parents they were very angry. But then my dad researched it and liked what he saw too. He decided that I could go, and signed a permission slip because I’m not an adult. I can’t sleep properly waiting to go, and thinking about how it will be.I want to have sex for the first time. Losing my virginity is really important to me at this time in my life. I have tried to find girls on Tinder, but never had the courage to meet up with them in case it’s not really them in the photo. I kissed a friend in school once but she didn’t want anything else with me.
My friends are so so jealous of me. My mum hasn’t spoken to me since she found out about it. My dad wanted to come with me, but obviously he couldn’t. He’s given me the talk about sex and told me to be careful about catching diseases.
His dad likes the look of it too?! What a shock. It's pretty grim when you think about it. This dude is 16! He's going to come back jaded as fuck! Nothing good can come of this.