It looks like Christmas pudding tits are now a thing!
Every year I look down at my cans and think “y’know what, these bangers aren’t festive enough. I wish there was something I could do to make that shit more Christmassy.” Nah, I don’t really, because I’m not mental and I don’t feel the need to spend hours gluing glitter to my ta-ta’s. However, some people clearly have too much time on their hands and have decided to dress their tits up as Christmas puddings so they can really get into the holiday spirit.
I mean they’re well done, but you’d need to have some serious skills to pull it off. If however, your hands are as shaky as mine, these titty decorations from Boohoo are the next best thing and they even keep your nips warm.
Looks like I’ve got my Christmas party outfit sorted!
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