Dude gets 23-inch dildo stuck up his ass for 24 hours!
Another day, another pleb trying to cram a gigantic object up his anus. When will people stop trying to use their asshole like an airplane carry-on bag. You can't go shoving huge items up there with no repurcussions, as this dude recently discovered.
An unnamed 31-year-old Italian man was rushed to hospital last week after he managed to get a 23-inch dildo stuck up his ass. It was in there for 24 hours before the guy started experiencing severe abdominal pain and called an ambulance. Doctors managed to get the whopper of a dildo out but they had to make some sort of makeshift lasso to rab hold of it in order to yank it out. Here's what lead medic Dr Lorenzo Dioscoridi had to say about it:
Several standard attempts with different extraction devices were made.We finally succeeded in the endoscopic extraction of the device, catching the distal edge of the dildo with this guidewire lasso.This device showed a technical advantage as compared with ordinary polypectomy snares, due to its much higher stiffness.
Luckily the guy had no long lasting effects from the 23 inch dong but I'm just wondering how the fuck he got it up there in the first place. And where the hell would you even buy that shit from? They ain't selling it at Ann Summers, that's for sure. Don't try this at home!