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Yep, her off Babestation.

Woman born without a vagina has one created out of Tilapia fish skin

Brazilian born Jucilene Marinho, who was born without a vagina has just become the first person in the world to receive a new reconstructive treatment that involves grafting the skin from tilapia fish.

[Image: 2cq0d]

23-year-old Jucilene underwent the neovaginoplasty procedure and immediately said it has made her feel like a 'proper woman'. Jucilene suffered with a rare congenital disorder that causes a person to be born with no reproductive organs. Jucilene was the first of four women to have the experimental procedure after being diagnosed with no cervix, uterus, ovaries or womb.

[Image: 2cq0e]
Dr Leonardo Bezerra, who performed the risky procedure explained how it's done:

To make the 'new vagina', we insert a vagina shaped acrylic mould, lined with the skin of tilapia, into the space created between the bladder and the rectum.

The device remains there for 10 days to prevent the walls from closing. Then, once the fish skin comes into contact with the patient's body, it acts like a stem cell and transforms itself into cellular tissue, similar to that of an actual vagina.

Wow, pretty impressive. Plus it gives a whole new meaning to the term 'fishy fanny'.

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