Research claims cocaine in London is delivered faster than pizza
Researchers have found that you can get drugs delivered to you in London faster than pizza. Yup, you read that right. It's also way less fattening!
The Global Drug Survey are investigating the impact of encrypted messaging services and other high-tech ways that allow drug dealers to operate faster and more efficiently than ever before. This is a proper well organised operation now. No longer do you have to trek into the worst parts of the city to meet some 19-year-old chavvy low-end dealer. Today's dealers bring the party to you. The dude conducting the research, Professor Adam R Winstock had this to say about his findings:
The widespread implementation of CCTV cameras in this country has made traditional drug dealing methods all the more difficult.With the darknet facilitating the delivery of drugs direct to people’s letter boxes and encrypted social media platforms allowing people to order in secret, it’s not surprising that there’d be an impact on the speed of delivery.Despite additional charges for swift drug delivery, the attraction of convenience and discretion means it makes sense for dealers to invest in premium delivery services.With all this in mind, we decided to look at efficiency and speed of drug delivery across the world. And to make a symbolic comparison, we’re using pizzas as a benchmark and cocaine as the test.
The research discovered that London is the quickest city in the world to buy drugs in, with New York and Berlin a close second. It does make me think that I need to switch up mu supplier though. My dude leaves me waiting for hours just to sort out a few party favours. He's getting fired!