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Yep, her off Babestation.

Teen has 50 operations to look like Angelina, ends up looking like a zombie instead

I've seen some dodgy surgery in my time but this really takes the fucking cake. I honestly thought I was looking at a woman with some sort of weird prosthetic mask on.

[Image: 2acaz]

19 year old Sahar Tabar from Iran has had over 50 operations and dropped 88 pounds in weight in a bid to look like her idol, Angelina Jolie. She now weighs only 80 pounds and looks like one of the zombies from The Walking Dead.

[Image: 2acar]

Here's what Sahar looked like before her surgeries:

[Image: 2acat]

...and here she is after her third nose job:

[Image: 2acau]

To be fair, she does look a bit like Angelina, albeit a warped, half dead version.

[Image: 2aca-] [Image: 2acb0]

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