Viagra will soon be sold over the counter without a prescription
For many years, if you had the embarrassing problem of dealing with a floppy cock, you'd have to talk to your doctor about it or fill out a long-ass form online detailing your impotence just to get a few tabs get Viagra. But that's all about to change due to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) reclassifying the drug which will make it available to buy over the counter without a prescription.
You'll still need to have an assessment from a pharmacist, but that will probably just involve the pharmacist making sure you don't have a heart condition before they hand you a box of drugs that make your heart pump faster. It's pretty cool that the UK will be the first country to sell Viagra without a prescription. How progressive are we?! Now you need never suffer from limp-dick ever again. Yay.