Explosive nitroglycerine is now being sold as the new Viagra
If you suffer from a limp dick, you'd think that the go-to medication to combat that would be Viagra. However, people have now discovered that rubbing a form of explosive nitroglycerine on your junk has the same result.
Who cares that nitroglycerine is so unstable that if you drop a bottle of it on the floor it could blow you the smitherines. Apparently the new gel only uses a tiny amount of nitro so it won't blow your knob off. It's also meant to work 12 times faster than Viagra and has cured seven out of ten dudes of erectile dysfunction. Consultant urologist David Ralph had this to say about the new gel:
Potential advantages include potential for a fast action and ease of use.Their use could be incorporated into sexual foreplay, increasing the level of intimacy between couples.
It isn't all good times and hard dicks though, as the gel can leave users with a pretty nasty headache. I don't like the sound of that.