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Yep, her off Babestation.

Dude left with permanent erection after botched nose surgery

A plastic surgery addict has been left with a permanent stiffy after a botched nose job. well, It doesn't actually say his nose job was botched but he certainly looks hella creepy.

[Image: 29dlf]

Reality TV star Neven Ciganovic recently flew to Iran to get his hooter done and was left with a rather weird reaction to anaesthesia. I've heard of anaesthesia making you feel sick but I've never heard of it giving people a non-stop lob on before. Nevan said:

I was in Iran for rhinoplasty for the documentary film that Channel 4 is filming covering my life.
We did not record the surgery but only the consultation sessions with the doctor.
They gave me general anaesthesia and I reacted badly to it.

[Image: 29dlg]

Neven said that during his procedure doctors diagnosed him with a rare condition known as priapism which is where men suffer painful erections that last hours. The annoying thing about the condition is that the hard-ons are not even related to sexual stimulation and they don't go away after the dude has shot his load. Yike, that doesn't sound fun.

[Image: 29dlj]

Apparently, if an erection lasts longer than four hours, it's deemed a medical emergency and permanent damage can be caused if it isn't treated quickly. It can even result in the guy not being able to get an erection in future. The condition happens when blood rushes to the penis and is unable to flow back out. Fuck me. Imagine getting a nasty condition after paying out money for a shit nose. Gutted!

[Image: 29dlh]

Nevan is currently recovering hospital and hopes to get his condition under control. He will need an operation relieve his priapism, but doctors have warned him that he won't fully recover for a few months. That hasn't stopped him from dreaming of fame and fortune though:

I look forward to a movie about myself.
Channel 4 dedicated a whole episode about me. I think this is a big deal and I hope this is the start of my international career.

I've got one word for Nevan - deluded!

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