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Yep, her off Babestation.

Old web pages for big companies show just how basic the internet was in the 1990s

When the internet first took off in the 1990s, businesses and big companies were the first to jump in and create their own websites. What looked amazing back then looks dated and rather naff now. Here are some of the most awful and basic websites that companies used before switching to the swanky sites you see today.

How the hell did people cope without the pizza tracker?!

[Image: 27nyd]

Mercedes Benz
This website certainly doesn't scream 'luxury' like it does these days.

[Image: 27nz6]

The monster tech company once owned this absolute monstrosity.

[Image: 27nzo]

The search engine has kept to it's original design but looks much sleeker these days.

[Image: 27n-3]


The 1996 web page may be basic but the fast food giant has still kept to it's red colour and iconic golden arches.

[Image: 27n-5]

The 1996 website for Pepsi looked more like a shit online game.

[Image: 27n-m]

The dull and drab 1995 web page for Amazon was a world away from the online shopping giants website today.

[Image: 27n-o]

Coca Cola
The 1998 site for Coca Cola looked more like a teen girls MySpace page than that of a billion dollar company.

[Image: 27n-p]

The Italian car manufacturer thought a steering wheel design was rather snazzy back in 1997.

[Image: 27n-u]

The online auction once had a very cluttered homepage

[Image: 27n-v]

The early Virgin site looked more like an online casino.

[Image: 27n--]

Pizza Hut
This old web page wouldn't make anyone hungry.

[Image: 27o00]

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