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Yep, her off Babestation.

People share their worst 'neighbours from hell' stories

I have had plenty of annoying neighbours in the past. Mostly just ones that complained over the smallest things like if I was laughing too loudly (can a person laugh too loudly?) but luckily I've never encountered neighbours from hell like these poor fuckers:

Lived in an apartment over a couple who would constantly fight and blast '80s German electro pop shit during week nights when I had to get up for work at 5am.


My neighbours call the police on me if I jump into my pool. Apparently, the sound of water is enough to get them annoyed.

[Image: 27hke]

This guy sounds like my old neighbour. After his non stop complaining we used to sing "watch out, paedo's about" to the tune of Jeremy Beadle's inro. It's amazing how quickly people scurry off when you call them a paedo.

My neighbor a few years back, would call the police, like actually have them requested to my home EVERY TIME he smelled Pot being smoked... Or to make things worse Insense!!!! Because by his logic onky people on drugs would light insense.... Now i should note that A) i am a daily medicinal user. And B) we lived in Vancouver BC at the time.. needless to say after the umpteenth call, the cops would in fact go to him and give him shit for wasting their time... Oh also, this cat once Called the cops out because i had "obnoxious music" playing too loud,. The music in question, The beatles and time of day? About 2PM ... The guy was crazy!

This one just left me utterly dumfounded. If anyone did this to me kid, elderly or not, I would chop their fucking head off.

When I was a baby the old lady who lived above us put a hose through the window into my cot.

[Image: 27hkf]

My neighboUr is a 40 something redneck crackhead who is an abusive alcoholic. One time he and his spouse were in a heated argument that could be heard throughout the entire neighborhood. My friends and I were stoned and laughing about it until I heard someone else in their house yell, "Get off, he's bashing her head against the wall!" Well, despite being stoned as all hell, I jumped off my porch and burst into the house and grabbed the neighbour around his neck in a triangle choke like manner and choked him out until the police arrived. I think the cops knew I was baked but they were happy I prevented what might have ended in a bloody mess. They actually laughed at how red my eyes were and told me to take it easy.


When I was little our neighbor put barbed wire underneath the gap in our fence so we couldn't reach under and grab our ball if it rolled underneath.
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