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Yep, her off Babestation.

People reveal the craziest things their exes did after they broke up

Exes are exes for a reason; usually it's because they were fucking nuts and it was time to get rid of them. Most of the time an ex will fade into the distance and never contact you again, which is always preferable. But then you get the exes that are so batshit that they will cling to any hope of getting you back and hound you at any given opportunity until they get your attention. I recently came across this thread on Reddit of people sharing their craziest ex stories and I've got to say, I feel for the poor bastards. Some people just cant handle break-ups.

She would constantly call me, ask why we don't hang out or talk anymore. Then she would immediately ask if I have kissed or had sex with anyone yet. When I got a new girlfriend, she tried to start some shit and actually messaged her (new gf) through Facebook. That in turn caused my ex to come up to the bar I was hanging out at in her PJs and try to drag me outside. I had to threaten her with security removing her to get her to stop.

She's left me alone for the most part since then.


Bombarded my home phone with calls (I didn't have a cell phone then) and when I told my mom not to pick up, he cussed off my mom on voicemail.

Then sent long emails detailing how I'll get AIDS.

[Image: 27hjq]

She slept with another guy, got pregnant, had an abortion, and showed proof to me so I'd think she'd aborted my own child.
BTW, the proof was medical documentation, not an aborted fetus on my doorstep.


I had an ex-gf told me she was pregnant. Problem was, she slept with every warm dick she came in contact with. So even if it was true, a DNA test would have been in order. She was definitely cray-cray.


After sex, she would look me in the eye and tell me that I was amazing and she loves my penis which she nicknamed 'Dickie'. She tells me she wants 'dickie' to be inside her all night long. And she wants to use either a knife or a pair of scissors to cut off 'dickie' and shove it inside her vagina for her own pleasure. She had to go!


She would text me, tell me that her daughter missed me and that she wanted to work things out. Come to find out, she was telling a common friend that I was "making her go places" when she was the one calling and asking me to meet her. Also found out, that 4 months after we slept together last, that she was going to try to report me to the police for forcing myself on her. All this info came to me from a common friend, when he realized that she was lying, due to the fact that she said I punched her, and had no bruises (There is a 1foot height and almost 200 lb weight difference.) Honestly, she had been so honest and straightforward, before, that it really broke my heart, all over again. To think that she would spread that kind of rumor about me, when all I ever did was care for her and be patient with her, and her daughter, destroyed me more than the actual breakup.

[Image: 27hjs]

He got a tattoo of my name. Three days after I told him I never want to see him again, and he showed up to my house to show me the tattoo. I slammed the door in his face.

I can actually relate to these stories as both my partner and I have fucking crazy exes. Mine sent me a text once asking me to donate him one of my eggs so he could have a baby with me. I have no idea what poor unsuspecting woman he decided was going to have my egg implanted into her. I don't think he thought that far ahead. My partners ex however, was a whole different type of crazy, but that's a story for another time. We don't have all day.

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