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Yep, her off Babestation.

The most disgusting 'all you can eat' buffet horror stories

I've got to admit I'm not the biggest fan of buffets. I really don't like queuing up for luke warm food like I'm back in school, but sometimes buffets are unavoidable. In those cases it's best to spy the trays that have literally just been brought out so you know for sure some fat bird who's just been scratching her flaps hasn't had a chance to tamper with it.

[Image: 23i5-]

Last night I came across a thread on Reddit detailing the disgusting things people have witnessed at 'all you can eat' buffets and it's fucking grotesque. Never again will you step foot in those places once you hear of the horror that goes on.

All you can eat prime rib special. First round you got prime rib, veggies, mashed potatoes. Subsequent plates just prime rib. Guy did 8 plates.

Lady came in with two small kids. Said she wouldn't pay for two kids because they wouldn't be eating. We were curious where the kids went at one point and found she was feeding them under the table like dogs.


I once saw a little kid sneeze directly into one of the chicken dishes. He was the perfect height for his head to be under the protective glass and directly over the container.

"His dad saw him and gave him a slight tap on the head like "not cool, bro", then they casually walked off to eat.
"All forms of buffet have been ruined for me since then.


I once saw a really fat dude at a Chinese Buffet smear ranch dressing from his wrist to elbow, then as he ate, he brushed the food along the dressing before putting into his mouth."

[Image: 23igw]

Once, while working at the Golden Corral, I witnessed this very big lady started soiling her pants on the way to the bathroom. The poop kept falling through her shorts on the floor, in front of everyone. After going to the bathroom, she proceeded to go back to her table and keep on eating. True story.


My dad went with one of his weightlifting buddies to an all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet. The guy starts taking down shrimp at an incredible pace, without even bothering to de-shell them.

After consuming a couple pounds of the shrimp, he looks stricken and excuses himself. Dad follows him outside to see him leaning against a lamppost, dry heaving. The man eventually regurgitates what Dad could only describe as a 'shrimp log' - he basically puked up a compressed wad of shrimp shells, the way an owl pukes up a pellet of bones and fur after it eats a rat.
When he was done, he wiped his mouth, lumbered back into the restaurant, and kept eating.

[Image: 23ih4]

Once, at a Golden Corral, a morbidly obese woman whom I've never met saw me cutting the fat and gristle off my steak from across the aisle. She told me it was 'the best part' and asked if she could have it. I was too stunned to do anything but give her my plate and she ate the fat.


Was eating at a Chinese restaurant where you order rice by the bowl. From the angle I was sitting I saw the waiters taking half uneaten bowls of rice and dumping them back into the rice cooker.


At an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet and when I went up to the drinks machine the nozzle fell off and bug parts fell out into my cup. (Roaches and other bugs in the soda fountain are a common problem if you don't clean it properly.) I told a worker and they just screwed the nozzle back on when they thought I wasn't looking. Who knows what else they weren't cleaning.

[Image: 23iha]

I saw some guy grab some noodles with his hands and then ram then into his mouth then scratch his balls then continuing to man handle the rest of the buffet... selfish cunt.


I was at an Old Country Buffet, employee cutting the meat stuck his hand down the back of his pants and scratched his ass. He pulled the hand out and immediately returned to carving the meat.

If those stories haven't put you off buffets for life, nothing will!

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