People describe the worst marriage proposals they've ever witnessed
The good people of Reddit are back at it, sharing their bleak and depressing stories; this thread involves people describing the worst marriage proposals they've ever witnessed and some are truly horrendous. I'd go batshit if my partner ever proposed to me in McDonald's!
So I was in college. I had been casually sleeping with/partying with one young fellow. He showed up at my house drunk at about 7pm on a Tuesday. He is quite good looking, and he was on his way to see me when my roommate ended up distracting him. Anyhoo, I come out of my room (townhouse, 6 girls one house) and find him sitting there and my roommate soberly trying to seduce his drunk ass. Anyway, I join their little party.
He ends up drunkenly taking my hand into his. He looks deep into my eyes... I can still see the hopefulness, and just the glow he had. He proposed, and said hey, we should have a baby. To which I said fuuuck no.
It was Christmas time, and my roommates and i had hung paper snowflakes from the kitchen ceiling. So he says, if I can kick that snowflake, we're going to have a baby. The snowflake is about 7 ft off the ground.
He tries once, and fails. He then figures hey, its because I have shoes on. So he takes off his shoes, tries to jump from the counter and spin mid air and FAILS MISERABLY. Taking his shoes off was a terrible idea. He slipped on the counter, and fell and hit his head off the fridge. There was blood, and then i told him that he should never procreate.
I was in Minnesota, at the HHH Metrodome watching a Twins game with my dad. In between innings, they put a big "Will You Marry Me?" sign on the huge electronic board, and cut to a guy getting down on one knee. Everyone is applauding, oohing, and aahing, then we all notice something. She is shaking her head no. This guy got shot down, and everyone in the stadium could see it. I really hope someone was able to make sure he got home all right, because I am pretty sure he didn't stay sober after that.
My wife and I were flying to Tenerife on our honeymoon, and the air hostess announced over the tannoy that a passenger was going to make a speech. The rough looking bloke then started about how he'd loved his partner since he first met her at Argos - before proposing. She accepted and there was a big cheer - it was cringe.
I wonder if the ring was Elizabeth duke?!
My dad proposed at McDonald's. No joke. My mom told him to stop right there because she was not being proposed to in a McDonald's. Haha. To be fair, he had lived in Mexico (and was very poor) his entire life and I don't think he knew the cultural stigma of McDonald's. He redid the proposal at home later. They've been married 23 years.
My mate did it in front of all his mates and called her by his ex's name, and no this is not a Friends try hard comment. It was so embarrassing even I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
I used to work security in a club. One night, at about 4am we were clearing everyone out, and anyone who was waiting for someone would have to do so at the front door. There was a guy waiting for his girlfriend to come out of the toilet (I am reliably informed by a colleague that she would be a while, she was taking a dump). I told the dude to leave, he wouldn't, told him again, he wouldn't. This went on for a little while, before he produced some shitty £20 Elizabeth Duke ring and said he was about to propose.
For his own good, I practically dragged him out of the club, and I am quite sure, probably saved his relationship. How many women want to be proposed to whilst still adjusting their buttpipe from dropping bombs in a club toilet?
I had a dude propose to a girl at the bowling alley I worked at. He made me bring the ring with the shitty bowling alley food they ordered. It was a crowded noisy awful night (cosmic bowling in our area was cool at the time.) When I brought the ring over he said "Oh, what is that? I didn't order that? Did you hun?" (mind you he was drunk so his words were all slurred) She didn't seem to want to be there from the beginning, it was terrible. She just looked at the box and said "no."
One of my best friends proposed to his girlfriend to make her stop crying during an argument. My words: "Dude, that's a one-time joker card." When he was back from their honeymoon, I asked him how life was now as a husband. Answer: "Same shit as before."
I was in a McDonald's years back, and saw a guy propose to his girl by slipping the ring into the cheeseburger wrapper. It was the most depressing thing I have ever seen.
Yup, pretty bleak!
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