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Yep, her off Babestation.

Dude films himself after getting attacked by a tiger shark

This is why I only paddle up to my vagina, the sea is just too terrifying!

This guy from Hawaii seems totally unfazed that he's just had a chunk of his leg chewed off by a tiger shark. If you don't know tiger sharks, they are the most aggressive of all sea beasts; they make great whites look like adorable dolphins. To be fair, if humans will insist on swimming uninvited into a sharks territory then accidents will happen.

[Image: 1a2zn]
[Image: 1a2zl]

The guy has taken it all in his stride though and isn't angry at the shark for nearly biting his leg off. He writes:

Last Sunday I was attacked by a tiger shark about 60 yards off of Upolu Point in Kohala Hawaii. The conditions were not the greatest to say the least and we went anyway.

The biggest message I want to get across is please always DIVE SAFE and always HAVE A PARTNER. If it wasn’t for my partner that day I would surely be dead right now. Don’t go in unsafe conditions REMEMBER there’s always another day! Don’t take life for granted like I did.
And lastly always respect the ocean and all of its inhabitants. This doesn’t change how I look at this magnificent animal or the ocean. I can’t wait to get back in and swim with these beautiful creatures again.

Fair play to him! If you're going to dive then it's important to be respectful of the creatures that were there first.

Here is the video of his mangled leg if you're interested. If you don't like gore then I suggest you look away now as you're about to see a giant gash...and it's not the fun kind.

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