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Yep, her off Babestation.

Corey Feldman's cringe performance gets slated

Corey Feldman was one of the biggest stars of the 80s, but since then he has battled a lot of demons; from drug addiction to claims that he was abused as a child in Hollywood. I don't know if that excuses this utterly bizarre video though.

Corey and his band were recently asked to perform their latest song Go 4 It on US TV’s Today Show and the whole thing was just super weird.

It appears we weren't the only one's to slam Corey's performance as he recently posted this to his Facebook page in retaliation. It's actually pretty sad and makes me feel a tiny bit ashamed of myself for laughing at the video. Only a tiny bit though!

We just wanted to tell everybody that, like, it’s been really painful. We put ourselves out there and we did the best that we could. And, like, I’ve never had such mean things said about me. Like constantly.
All we can say is that we tried really hard. Because we love our fans and we just wanted to give them the best show that we could. But we don’t deserve… these things that are said about us are awful.
It was a song, okay? It wasn’t that weird. I’m sorry if it’s not good enough for you, but you don’t have to beat us up. I just want to say that, like, why is it okay to, like, publicly shame us?… I don’t understand… It’s, like, not PC to, like, say somebody is fat or somebody is white or somebody is black or somebody is yellow or green or if they have a short leg or if they have a missing finger. Like we can’t talk about these things. But it’s okay to bash Corey Feldman and the Angels.
We can’t get out of bed right now. We’re petrified to even go out… And I’m sorry, but we just wanted the world to know, like, we’re really freaked out over this and it’s really not fair.
Public shaming should not be accepted, no matter who you are. It doesn’t matter if they’re a celebrity or not. We deserve love and we deserve, like, normal life… It’s not okay, it’s not acceptable to call us freaks, weirdos, losers, whatever.


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