Cheating spouses caught out on Facebook!!! Ouch!
Cheating is a pretty shitty thing to do to someone, especially if you're married and have kids with that person. Sadly it doesn't stop some people from doing the dirty on their spouses. It ain't just men either! Infidelity doesn't discriminate! There are just as many horn-dog women out there as there are men.
These cheaters got caught red their good old social media accounts. Ouch!
Pot calling the kettle black!
He just rumbled himself! Moron!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
You just know she's holding a gun to his nuts right now!
Pretty simple really!
I didn't see that coming!
Another pleb outing himself. C'mon guys, be smarter!
I feel sorry for the poor mug who's married to this clown
Never leave your Facebook account open!
Kinda harsh
Caught red handed with your pants down!