Drake invites dude for workout sesh, ends up shagging his girlfriend instead
Imagine Drake inviting you for a killer workout sesh and bonding experience but then ends up shagging your girlfriend instead. Believe it or not, this isn’t the storyline to one Drakes songs, this legit happened to a dude called Jamie Sun. Jamie’s girlfriend is a relatively unknown singer called Naomi Sharon and for whatever reason Drake took an interest in her and invited her and Jamie over in the hopes that he might sign Naomi to his record label.
All was going swimmingly and Jamie seemed to be bonding well with Drake who even invited him to the gym for a workout followed by drinks on his private jet. Clearly it was all I’m Drake’s grand master plan because not long after he buttered up Jamie he ended up taking Naomi to bone town. Here are the details of what went down in a series of Instagram posts:
Jesus. You can tell the poor dude is utterly heartbroken. Although in cases like this it ain’t all on Drake is it. Naomi was the one in a long term relationship and could have easily said “nah I’m not going to suck Drake’s dick today.” Alas, Drakes penis is just too hard to resist. Sorry, Jamie!