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Yep, her off Babestation.

Woman discovers friend's ‘strategically carved’ sex toy made of soap!

A woman has been blocked by her mate on social media after she shared his ‘strategically carved’ sex toy made of soap. 23-year-old Olivia Waters, had popped round to her mates house to buy a laptop from him but was left banging on the door for 10 minutes before he finally emerged saying he ‘had been the shower’. Olivia then nipped to the loo where she made the grim discovery.

[Image: 2s8gs]
When Olivia confronted her mate about it, he confirmed that he had indeed been banging his soap. Olivia said her immediate reaction when she found out what he’d actually been up to was, ‘wow, what the fuck’. She said:

I knew that he was weird, but oh my. It’s the first time I’ve seen soap used in that way. I’ve never thought about how it would work.

[Image: 2s8gt]
Olivia continued:

The shower curtain was back, the shower was wet, the soap was wet, and he’d already told me he’d been in the shower. I thought, ‘dude, did you seriously make me sit outside while you were fucking your soap?’.
After I left I was cackling the whole way home. I couldn’t help but laugh. I sent it to one of my friends before I posted it and she asked what is wrong with me and the people I hang out with.

[Image: 2s8gu]
After posting the picture on social media, the dude saw it and blocked Olivia, claiming he was upset that his mate had exposed his sordid little soapy secret. Olivia said he ‘got mad’ and ‘really upset’ because his roommate had seen the post and saw everyone had been commenting about his shower being slightly dirty. ‘He said people are going to think he’s trashy,’ she explained. However, he soon got over it when he went hella viral and the post surpassed 10,000 shares. Hence why he decided to unblock Olivia and create his own social media account to celebrate his new celeb status, referring to himself as ‘Soap Dude’.

[Image: 2s8gv]


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