This woman photographed 100 fannies to show that all vaginas are normal!
I’ve seen a fair few minges in my time, mainly belonging to other glamour girls and porn stars so they tend to be your typical tidy and tucked kinda vag. But not all minges are like that! Vaginas come in all different shapes and sizes and British photographer, Laura Dodsworth has decided to document just how many differences there are by appearing on the Channel 4 documentary, 100 Vaginas. The documentary tells the stories of women and through images of their vulvas.
In the Channel 4 documentary, viewers will be able to see close-up shots of women pulling out their tampons out and masturbating. Laura says:
It’s like nothing I’ve seen on TV before.
You’re telling me. As a woman I can tell you I don’t want to see some birds bloody tampon. I’ll watch the masturbating though! Anyhoo, here’s a bunch of minges: