Trans former army veteran gets whopping set of 42JJ tits!
As a daughter I couldn’t imagine how I’d feel if my dad had bigger and better tits than me. I’d probably be a bit pissed off if I’m honest. Like ‘come on dad, there can only be one set of cracking cans in this family’! Thankfully I don’t have to worry about that because my dads saggy man-boobs won’t be winning prizes anytime soon. However, its a genuine issue for Maxine Montoya’s daughter, who has to deal with her trans dad’s newly acquired humongous chebs.
38-year-old trans woman, Maxine, served 11 years in the US military for 11 years before transitioning and has recently had surgery to get a giant set 42JJ tits. Maxine said she wanted to express her femininity “in a way that’s right up front". Well you’ve certainly done that, Maxine! In fact, she actually considering going even bigger!!!!
Maxine loves her new tits and said:
I could talk about my boobs all day, I couldn’t be happier with the results I got from my breast augmentation. Why this big? I see this as something empowering. That exaggeration of femininity and what it represents. I sometimes wonder if I want to get bigger.
Before transitioning, Maxine was married and had a daughter, Mia, who still calls her Dad. Maxine says:
I see no reason why a trans woman can’t be a father - I’m still her father, I’m just a woman and a dad.
Maxine didn’t come out as transgender in the military, but she did like to dress as a woman in private:
I was wearing a skirt and some makeup, and I was walking around, word of that got back to someone in my chain of command and I ended up receiving what were flat out threats against my career. I asked myself this question: Do I ever want to be perceived as male? And the answer was an immediate no.
Quote:I am getting what’s called an orchiectomy - you have the testicles removed, and I have zero attachment to those girls so they can go. My doctors told me that if I get those removed, she can probably lower my dosage of testosterone blockers or take me off it completely.
You do what makes you happy, Maxine! Just sort that dodgy perm out for Christ sake!