Girl who started 'three breasted' hoax now wants surgery to give her third titty
A woman who tried to trick people into believing she had three titties actually wants to have surgery to give her a third boob.
Alisha Hessler AKA Jasmine Tridevil, went viral a few years back after claiming she had fat removed from her stomach and made into a third tit. However, her lie became apparent when a TV crew showed up and used thermal imaging cameras, showing the titty to be a prosthetic.
However, after being caught out, Miss Tridevil has now said she’s sick of spending hours perfecting the look of her plastic titty and instead wants a plastic surgeon to create a permanent one for her. Here’s what Jasmine has to say:
Initially, I never took the three-breasted figure seriously, however, after wearing the prosthetic for so long, I have grown to adore the fantasy of having that body type. I find something very appealing and seductive about the look. I receive much more male attention when I have the third breast. It seems that the average man finds it intriguing.
I think she’s confusing morbid curiosity for appeal but hey-ho. Jasmine is now searching for a surgeon who is willing to perform the risky operation. Most surgeons have flat-out refused, but one guy in Miami Beach has apparently agreed to perform the surgery for £40,000. Jasmine says the doctor plans to add the third tit in two stages. She says:
The surgeon is located in Miami, Florida and he says that he would approach this as he would with a patient with breast cancer, which would be reconstructive surgery. First, he would have to insert a tissue expander. Then he would expand the tissue once a week. Once it reaches it’s appropriate size, he would then proceed with the third breast implant surgery. He would also insert a miniature implant for the nipple and finally, a tattoo for the areola.
This all sounds pretty unethical and any surgeon willing to perform such an extreme op is certainly not one I would ever want to go to. Jasmine has now set up a GoFundMe page and aims to raise £60,000 which will cover cost of surgery and have a bit left over for ‘emergencies’.
I sadly reckon she’ll actually reach her goal. You just know there are enough cretins out there who want to see a real-life freak show. To be fair, I’m kinda curious myself. I ain’t coughing up the cash though. I’ll just sit back and watch!