Dude meets his girlfriend’s parents - realises he’s shagged her mum!
Loads of shit can go wrong when you meet your partners parents for the first time - you could tell an inappropriate joke that doesn’t land or maybe you’ve just got too many tattoos for their liking. But one man had one of the worse experiences EVER when he met his girlfriend’s parents, only to discover he’d previously banged her mum. Sharing his story on Reddit, the dude explains that he met a woman in a bar and they exchanged numbers:
I live in a pretty big town, however, there are only three decent clubs so it's pretty common to bump into the same strangers every now and then. A couple of months ago, I was at this nice rock bar with a live band; drinking with a big group of work friends. I notice a blonde woman has glanced over a few times so I go up to her, make some small-talk and ask for her number as I couldn't really leave my friends. We text a little bit but nothing came of it.
A week later, I bump into her again and we talk for longer. Decide to grab a couple drinks and I end up going back to her house to spend the night. I noticed she was a lot older (maybe around 40) than anyone else I've slept with before, and I'm 21, so pretty much double my age - but she looked good so I figured I'd learn a thing or two. All I've learnt now is how to regret more efficiently.I move on and forget about her. A couple of weeks ago I met a girl, 19, on Tinder. We hit it off and after a few really good dates she invites me back to her place (I live a 20min drive away). As I walk down the street, I notice it's the same one as my previous bonk. My heart sank when I watched this lovely girl turn to face me, say "This is me!" while gesturing to the same door that I went through for a cheap one night stand. I suddenly see the resemblance. Quickly I compliment her house and ask her how long she had lived there, grasping at some flimsy straws. "My whole life pretty much. Just my Parents, lil' Sister and the Dog" she replies.
Everyone was home. I knew this. I had to tell her.
She was shocked. Very shocked when she realised that I wasn't joking when I got her Mum's name right.I knew she was level-headed from our first few dates so thankfully she actually understood and didn't attack me for it. We do agree we can't keep seeing each other (duh) but I really did like her, which can be rare for me, so it fucking sucks.
She didn't mention her parents marriage and I don't want to ask. I also don't know how the house was free a couple of months ago. All I know is I fucked up.
Damn! There’s no way I could’ve hopped on to that D knowing he’d previously been balls-deep in my mums poon. Proper awks!
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