Woman ditches coffee in favour of ‘masturbation breaks’ at work
One woman is making her mundane 9-5 job a little more interesting by taking regular wank breaks.
Nadia Bokody doesn’t smoke and isn’t too fussed about coffee breaks but has spoken out about the benefit of ‘masturbation breaks’ to alleviate stress at work. She reckons it’s the best way to keep you happy and healthy at work.
Nadia reckons that 40% of employees now wank at work but fuck knows where she’s getting those stats from. Here’s what she had to say on the matter:
If it’s lunch time, I’ll head home for a quick dalliance with my vibrator (perks of living walking distance from the office).
But on the odd occasion I can’t wait that long, I’ll pop into the restroom, throw in my headphones, and silently surf some porn until my stresses are eased.
Fifteen minutes later, I’ll reemerge brighter and more focused, ready to tackle whatever the rest of the day throws at me. And it’s not just because I love masturbation.
Nadia said that she began masturbating at work after reading a study that proved that orgasms are great for the brain:
This is because, during a climax, blood flow is boosted to every single part of the brain, whereas mental exercises only stimulate certain regions.
In other words, if your employer wants to beat the 3pm workplace productivity slump once and for all, they should seriously consider implementing a fuck break policy.
The fact is, what you do alone behind the closed door of your office restroom cubicle is really none of your employer’s business – provided you’re not doing it outside of your break time.
Gotta say - I’m loving Nadia’s ideas. As long as people are respectful and not leaving jizz stains or fanny trails all over the place, then go for it!
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