Anjelica Huston said Jack Nicholson had "upstairs" and "downstairs" cocaine
I’ve heard many stories about Jack Nicholson being a major party animal but now it’s all been confirmed by old-school actress and legend, Anjelica Huston. The Addams family actress recently gave a no-fucks-given interview to Vulture magazine in which she spilled the beans on Jack’s wild ways and drug habit.
Anjelica dated Jack from 1973 to 1990 and although she used to be bang on the chang with Jack, she says she just sticks to weed these days. When asked if Jack was a “functional drug user”, Angelica said this:
Very much so. Never took overt amounts. He was never a guzzler. I think Jack sort of used it, probably like Freud did, in a rather smart way. Jack always had a bit of a problem with physical lethargy. He was tired, and I think probably, at a certain age, a little bump would cheer him up. Like espresso.
Ha. Just like espresso. The best part of the interview came when Angelica discussed what Jack’s Hollywood house parties were like. Vulture’s Andrew Goldman told Huston:
I remember reading that Jack Nicholson had what he called upstairs and downstairs cocaine. Downstairs was good enough for guests, but upstairs was the good stuff for him and his intimates.
Anjelica replied: There was a type of cocaine in the ’70s that I would’ve classified as upstairs cocaine - pharmaceutical flake - that was kind of effervescent, not that it was fizzy, but it was light and uncut. Anjelica then explained the difference between “good coke” and “bad coke.”
Bad cocaine makes you feel shitty. Probably makes you run for the loo because it’s laced with laxatives. Pure cocaine gives you a very light, airy, clear, and extremely pleasant feeling. But really, there’s no such thing as good cocaine. I don’t believe that people should take it recreationally.
Alright Ange, no need to ruin the party. If you thought Anjelica spilling the beans on Jack was bad, she also went after a bunch of other Hollywood royalty, like Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. Apparently Robert De Niro shouldn’t be “doing garbage movies like Meet the Fockers.” Can’t argue with that! She also said that older actors keep doing substandard movies because they need the money. Damn! She’s on fire. I think I love her even more.
Don’t piss Anjelica Huston off or she’ll be coming for you next.