This woman's tits won't stop growing!
A woman from Manchester is at her wits end after her tits just wouldn’t stop growing. Her hefty chebs have grown to the humongous size of 48J and they show no sign of stopping!
25-year-old Fiona Hornby, says she can’t even find clothes to fit after her tata’s ballooned from a C-cup to a J-cup. But before you start congratulating her, she actually wants them gone because she says they’re ruining her life. She says:
My huge breasts have ruined my life. They have affected everything. My self-esteem has hit rock bottom, I can't find any clothes that fit and can't wear the same things as people my age.
I have terrible back pains caused by the weight of my breasts. I can't hoover or sleep properly.If I do washing up I have to take a break halfway through because the pain is terrible.
Here's Fiona before her tits grew to the size of watermelons. I hate to say it but do you think her tits might be bigger because she's packed on some serious timber?! Just saying...
Fiona now wants to get breast reduction surgery so she can wear the cute lacy bras she’s always dreamed but says the NHS won’t fund the op so she’s doing it all through GoFundMe. So send her a few quick if you fancy helping a gal achieve her dream of having smaller tits. I reckon she should at least post a few pics of her baps minus the bra first, it’d be a shame not to.