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Yep, her off Babestation.

Dude spiked co-workers drinks with LSD to try & cheer up the office

I’ve worked with many irritating cunts in my time, from asshole managers to passive aggressive colleagues and it’s just super annoying to wake up in a good mood, only for it to be replaced with negativity as soon as you get into work. It’s a proper shit feeling to have your energy zapped by an asshole co-worker and made worse by the fact that you just have to sit there and accept it.

However, one dude who was well and truly sick of the negative energy in his office decided to do something drastic to cheer up his moody co-workers - by spiking their drinks with LSD. Bit drastic perhaps?!

[Image: 2nbtv] 

The 19-year-old Rent-A-Car employee from  Missouri thought that spiking his colleagues drinks would ‘remove negative energy’ fromthe office. Things however, didn’t go entirely as he hoped and instead of being happy and chipper, his colleagues felt sick and dizzy and had to be rushed to hospital. Oops.

[Image: 2nbtw]
The dude later admitted to police that he’d laced his cot-workers drinks with drugs but that he only did it to ‘change their energy’. A manager then came forward after she spotted the employee holding a water dropper and doing something to her water jug, but didn’t think much of it at the time. Although she still decided not to drink from the jug. Might’ve been a good idea to share that with the group, Karen, you fucking moron!

[Image: 2nbtx] 

Anyhoo, the teen now faces possible charges of second-degree assault and possession of a controlled substance. So I’d say that idea blew up in his stupid face. I think the moral of the story here is to sit down, shut up and put up with your your cunty colleagues like the rest of us. By all means, plot their death in your mind or use their favourite mug but that’s probably all you can get away with.

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