Woman reveals husband's revolting wanking habits & people are horrified
Everyone’s partner has a few annoying habits we have to put up with, such as picking their toenails when you’re trying to watch TV, or leaving the loo seat up. However, there are some people out there who’s habits are so revolting that it causes their partner to actually pack their bags and leave. A woman recently shared some concerns about her husbands wanking habits on the advice forum, Mumsnet and people were pretty horrified. She wrote:
I'm going mad thinking my husband has some absolutely gross and unpleasant habits and I can't stand it anymore but feeling like I'm supposed to remember no one is perfect.
I've tried bringing these things up and talking to him nicely and also very firmly but I've got nowhere. I am too embarrassed to ask people in real life what they think and I want to know am I being unreasonable to be so annoyed? He's 31, we've been married for a year and his behaviour started going off after we got married. I'm old enough and have enough experience of men to know it's normal, but he thinks it's ok to wank into the bedsheets when I'm out. I came back one day and noticed a pungent smell, sat down on the bed and realised my hand was on a damp patch.
He kept doing it, I said something. He got really ratty and said it was impossible I could know and started accusing me of sniffing the bedsheets - that is gross!!! I definitely wasn't imagining it!
If that wasn’t bad enough, the woman went on to explain how her partner leaves his dirty laundry all over the floor, leaves mountains of plates in the sink, throws tea bags at the freshly painted wall and rarely takes showers. Wow, seems like a real catch!
When she confronted him over the issues he shouted: "I don't like being told what to do!"To add insult to injury, she also claims he doesn't want to spend any quality time with her and prefers to watch YouTube on his phone all evening. She said she’s tried suggesting counselling but that just made him angry. She goes on to say:
Sometimes I feel I'm even detecting a hint of dislike/contempt for me but I have no idea why. I feel like I'm dealing with an angry teenage boy and I don't know how I didn't pick up on all of this sooner. Please help, I'm losing my marbles!
It didn’t take long for the comments to come flooding in with things like ‘leave him’ and ‘wtf are you doing with this clown’. All good advice! Hopefully she’ll take heed and ditch this absolute loser for someone that actually respects her.